Tax Collection Division

How We Bill You:
Tax Bills: Tax bills are mailed once per year by June 1st. Payment is due quarterly on the first day of July, September, December and March. Each tax bill contains four quarterly, tear-off payment coupons showing the amount of tax owed for that quarter. The City allows a discount of 1.5% for tax bills that are paid in full by July 1st. The amount of tax owed net of the discount is shown as a separate detachable coupon on the tax bill. As per state law, tax bills that are under $100.00 must be paid in full, and are not eligible for quarterly payments.
Water/Sewer Bills: Consolidated bills for water consumption charges and sewerage fees are mailed monthly. Bills are due at the end of each month. For more information, we encourage you to visit InvoiceCloud for account information or call the Tax Collection Division.
Please contact the Tax Collection Division if you either do not receive your tax and/or water/sewer bills, or if you wish to check your balance or payment status. You may also access your balance at InvoiceCloud, you will need to enter both of your account number and last name in order to do so.
Please contact the Tax Collection Division with questions at 401-435-7544.