Tax Collection Division

How You Can Pay Us:
East Providence offers four ways to pay your taxes and water/sewer bills:
1) In Person: Residents can choose to pay their taxes and water/sewer bills directly to the Tax Collection Division office located at City Hall, room 104. Here, we accept cash, checks, credit card (MasterCard & Visa) and debit card payments. Please note that there is a 3% convenience fee for credit/debit card payments that is charged by the company that processes the transaction. The City of East Providence does not receive any part of the convenience fee. Also, note that it tends to get busy at the Tax Collection Division as a payment deadline draws near. Lines may form that usually move quickly, but during these times please be prepared for a short wait.
2) City Hall Deposit Drop-Box: There is a convenient drop-box to the right of the entry door on the Grove Avenue side of City Hall where you can leave your payment 24/7. This drop-box is regularly picked up with payments processed during our hours of operation. Please note that we only accept check payments in the drop-box. Do not pay with cash or credit/debit cards in the drop box. Also, so we can accurately process your payment, please include your detachable payment stub with your drop-box transaction and enclose it in the envelope.
3) By Mail: Check payments for taxes and water/sewer charges can be mailed directly to our lock box processor. Do not mail cash or credit/debit card information. Please include your detachable payment stub so that your payment can be quickly, and accurately processed. Our payment-by-mail lock box addresses are listed below. Please note that there are separate addresses for tax and water/sewer payments:
For Taxes:
City of East Providence
Department 318
PO Box 9715
Providence, RI 02940-9715
For Water/Sewer:
City of East Providence
Department 317
PO Box 9714
Providence, RI 02940-9714
4) On-line: you can pay your tax bill by clicking here and your water/sewer bills on-line through Invoice Cloud. We accept MasterCard and Visa Credit Cards. Please note that there is a 3% convenience fee charged for all on-line credit and debit payments. The City of East Providence does not receive any part of the convenience fee. You will be asked to accept the fee before committing to the transaction. Please be advised that all returned EFT payments made online will be assessed a $15 fee.

Please be advised that we are currently experiencing technical difficulties displaying accurate current balances due within the Invoice Cloud software. Please contact the Tax Collector's Office at 435-7544 with any questions. We apologize for the inconvenience.