Pawtucket Hot Mix Asphalt (PHMA), will commence roadway construction on Centre St the week of June 8,2020. The work includes pulverizing the asphalt, grading the roadway base, adjusting utility structures and installing 2 layers of asphalt pavement. In order to create a proper transition from the driveway to the new road, the contractor will be removing driveway aprons and replacing with new asphalt driveway aprons. The Contractor will also be removing existing asphalt sidewalks and replacing with new asphalt sidewalks. The Contractor may be on site prior to the listed starting date to do some minor preparations in advance of the major roadwork. Once the road has been reclaimed, driveway access may be difficult due to the difference in grade between the road base and the existing driveway. The Contractor will put gravel ramps at the end of the driveway, however at times, due to grading the road and preparing to install the asphalt these may be removed, and access will be difficult. Residents who may have sprinklers located within the sidewalk area should have them clearly marked. Neither the City nor the Contractor shall be liable to replace any damaged sprinkler heads located within the City right of way/ sidewalk area, which typically extends 8’-10’ off the edge of the road. Pursuant to City Ordinance, the only approved roadway edging is granite curbing or concrete curbing installed as part of the original development. Neither the City nor the Contractor shall be responsible to repair or replace cobblestone, timber or other unapproved roadway edges. Weather permitting, the Contractor will be on site most days, but may not be seen due to preparing other sites for asphalt. It is anticipated the work will take approximately 4 weeks.
During construction the roads may be closed, except for local traffic. Vehicular access to resident’s properties may be limited or restricted for brief periods of time during construction. The hours of construction will typically be from 7:00 AM until 5:00 PM Monday through Friday, although longer hours and weekend work may be required to complete the project in a timely manner. Temporary “NO PARKING” signs will be posted along these roads and will be enforced during the hours of construction. Parking will be permitted outside of construction hours.
The City and the Contractor will make every effort minimize any inconvenience to the residents throughout this process, however the noise and dust associated with the reconstruction of your road cannot be avoided. Thank you for your patience throughout the reconstruction of these roads.
PHMA anticipates paving Miriam St and Magnolia St on Monday June 8th.
In preparation for the surface course of asphalt on Roger Williams Ave, crews will be on site adjusting structures to final grade. The Contractor anticipates installing the surface course of asphalt the week of June 15th.