The Association of City Employees A.C.E. 25th Annual Celebration
In 1990, many long-time employees of the City of East Providence retired under the early retirement plan. To honor these retirees, a dinner was held in January 1991. With the success of the dinner, a few employees came together to form what would eventually become known as A.C.E. (Association of City Employees).
The purpose of forming this organization was two-fold; one to ensure that all City of East Providence employees from all departments would be afforded the opportunity for personal recognition upon their retirement, and; to honor those employees who had attained five year service anniversaries during the previous calendar year.
In order to represent all areas of employment, the Board of Directors was chosen from among the various departments of the City. Both union and non-union employees administer the Association of City Employees, a non-partisan organization. Its Board of Directors is represented by Division Heads, Management, Police, Fire, Clerical and Labor personnel, each of whom has an equal say in the administration of A.C.E. All City employees are invited to join.
2016 A.C.E. Officers
President: Elaine Trevitt
Secretary: Karen Lanoue
Treasure: Paul Sladen
2016 Executive Committee
Karen Lanoue, Donna McMahon, Paul Sladen, Elaine Trevitt
2016 A.C.E. Service Anniversaries
10 Years of Service
Joseph Andrade
David Bachrach
Ernest Bacon
Kimberly Brown
Connie Costa
Cheryl Mooney
Elmer Pina
Erik Skadberg
Robert Walker
15 Years of Service
Ann Fournier
Edward Catelli
Rebecca Chace
Wendy Michalski
Darlene Perry
Edward Pimental
Donna Waldron
20 Years of Service
Chris Dicecco
Lita Garrett
Cheryl Martin
Ronal Nawrocki
25 Years of Service
Diane Feather
Kimberly Moniz
Thank you for your years of service!