How do I dispose of.....?
Antifreeze |
Appliances |
Auto Batteries |
Books |
Rigid Plastic |
Bulky Waste |
Carpeting |
Christmas Trees |
Clothing/Textiles |
Construction Debris |
Cooking Oil |
E-Waste |
Extra Recycling |
Furniture |
Leaf & Yard Waste |
Mattresses/Box Springs
Motor Oil & Filters |
Paper for Shredding |
Propane Tanks |
Scrap Metal |
Tires |
(scroll down for disposal information)

Public Works/Highway Garage Complex (DPW)
60 Commercial Way | 401-435-7701
Drop off hours Monday-Friday 7:30am-3:30pm
Drop-offs are self service.
Antifreeze- Please deposit in container labeled for antifreeze only at DPW yard.
Appliances- Picked up curbside on one Saturday per month. Residents must purchase a $25 recycling sticker (stickers can be purchased at City Hall Engineering Office) by 12:00 PM on the preceding Thursday to scheduled collection. Appliances can be placed at the curb for collection after 3:00PM the Friday before the collection.
Auto Batteries- Car batteries can be left near the oil igloo.
Books- Drop off at DPW Yard. OR one of the drop off container located at the following locations in the City: East Providence Senior Center located, 610 Waterman Avenue, rear parking lot; St. Francis Xavier Church, 81 North Carpenter Street; Shaw’s, 585 Taunton Avenue; American Legion, 850 Willett Avenue.
Bulky Rigid Plastic- Includes garbage cans, little tykes toys, coolers, milk crates, lawn furniture, etc. No PVC vinyl. Drop off at DPW yard.
Bulky Waste- If usable, try to recycle old furniture. Call Furniture Bank of RI 831-5511. Bulky items and furniture are collected every Friday for the entire city by appointment only. Items need to be left at the curb the night before collection, please call 401-435-7701 to schedule an appointment.
Carpeting/Rugs- Is considered a bulky item. Bulky items and furniture are collected every Friday for the entire city by appointment only. Items need to be left at the curb the night before collection, please call 401-435-7701 to schedule an appointment. Rugs need to be rolled and tied or folded and tied.
Christmas Trees- Christmas trees are recycled in our chip-a-tree program. Residents can drop off trees at local neighborhood playgrounds/parks after Christmas. Trees are collected curbside during the first two weeks of January to be collected by city crews for the program.
Clothing/Textiles- Please recycle items by bringing to one of the City's KIDUCATION clothing/textile collection boxes. Locations: Senior Center, Fuller Library, Community Center, Rite Aid Warren Ave.
Construction & Demolition Debris- Residents are responsible for the disposal of all materials associated with household construction, demolition and renovation activities regardless of who is doing the work or when it took place. Construction debris can be taken to the landfill in Johnston 942-1430. Residents can also call private collectors for disposal. Fees apply.
Cooking Oil- Residents may now bring used cooking oil to the DPW complex. Look for the blue collection container provided by Newport Biodiesel. The cooking oil is processed into biodiesel at their Rhode Island facility.
E-waste- Drop off at DPW yard. Accepts: TV, CRT monitors, CPUs and all other items such as printers, cartridges, wire and cable, UPSs, VHS/DVD players and anything with a plug, including hair dryers, blender, toaster, etc.
Extra Recycling- Households that find that they are filling their single recycling cart on a weekly basis may submit a request for a second cart. Call the Recycling Office for more information. Residents with an abundance of cardboard, such as moving boxes, etc may bring flattened cardboard to the DPW yard and place in the cardboard-only dumpster.
Furniture- If usable, try to recycle old furniture. Call Furniture Bank of RI 831-5511. If not usable, one item per week placed at curb with household trash permitted for collection.
Leaf & Yard Waste- Yard debris is collected in paper bags or barrels with yard debris tags. Bags and yard waste stickers are available at City Hall, Engineering Division and Public Works Office at 60 Commercial Way M-F 8am-3pm. Yard waste is collected April 1-December 15th.
Mattresses & Box Springs- Mattress and/or box spring, two pieces or one set, per household are collected on scheduled Saturday’s by appointment only. As of October 1, 2020 residents requiring curbside collection will have to pay a fee of $25.00 each piece for collection. There will all be a free mattress drop off event at the Public Works complex once a month weather permitting from March to December. Please call the office for details. Residents can schedule a pick-up by calling the Recycling Office at 435-7701. Payment can be made up submitting a check for $25.00 each piece made payable to City of East Providence. Please include address for mattress collection and a contact phone number with the check. A check may be mailed to City of East Providence/DPW, Office of Rubbish and Recycling, 145 Taunton Ave. East Providence, RI 02914. Checks may also be placed in the City Hall drop box located on the Grove Avenue side of City Hall.
Motor Oil & Filters- Please deposit only uncontaminated used motor oil in the Oil Igloo. Oil filters can be left here in designated barrels.
Paper for Shredding- Free at yearly city events, call the Recycling Office for details. Or drop off at DPW complex.
Propane Tanks- Propane tanks of all sizes from small camping tanks to grill tanks can be dropped off at the DPW yard.
Scrap Metal- Small items such as metal hangers, pots & pans, chains and larger items can be dropped off at the DPW yard.
Tires- Local tire business will accept tires for a nominal fee.