Building Inspection Division
The Building Inspection Division's staff consists of one Building Official, one Plumbing-Mechanical Inspector, one Zoning Officer, one Electrical Inspector, one Building Inspector, one Minimum Housing Inspector, two Clerks, and one Minimum Housing Clerk.
The Building Inspection Division is responsible for all new construction and alterations of existing buildings within the City. This Division issues permits which include building, plumbing, mechanical, and electrical and also administers the zoning ordinances. Minimum housing complaints are reviewed by the Building Inspection Division.
This Division is responsible for issuing all permits related to construction, enforcement of RI State Building Code, and the City of East Providence Ordinance, including Minimum Housing and Zoning.
The Inspection Division is located on the 2nd floor of City Hall, room 204
Building Permits are required for most improvements. Contact the Building Inspector or Zoning Officer before beginning improvements on your home or property. Call the Building Inspection office at 435-7722.
Complaints regarding neglected properties please contact the Minimum Housing Inspector at 435-7722 ext. 4
The Minimum Housing Division of the Building Inspections Department is responsible for enforcing minimum standards governing the condition and maintenance of properties. The purpose of this division is to protect public health, safety and welfare by ensuring that structural integrity, utility installation and maintenance, and safe and sanitary conditions are maintained, thereby alleviating urban blight, decay and substandard housing stock.
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Contact Information

Edward Pimentel, AICP, Zoning Officer
(401) 435-7722 ext. 3
Ted J. Isabella, Building Inspector
(401) 435-7722 ext. 6
Anthony Bevilacqua, Plumbing & Mechanical
(401)435-7722 ext. 2
John Almeida, Electrical Inspector
(401) 435-7722 ext.7
Gene Saveory, Minimum Housing Inspector
(401) 435-7722 ext. 4