Canvassing Department
The Canvassing Department is managed by the Canvassing Authority Administrator whose duties and responsibilities include supervising the office staff and preparing and administering the department budget. The office maintains voter registration records and provides City residents with voter registration forms, local candidate declaration forms, mail ballot applications, election information, sample ballots, etc. City residents wishing to register or update registration information may do so by submitting a voter registration form in person or by mail.
The office is located in Room 303, on the third floor of City Hall and is open Monday through Friday from 8:00AM until 4:00PM.
The Canvassing Authority reports to the Office of the Secretary of State, Elections and Civics Division, on matters relating to the certification of candidates, nomination petitions, mail ballot applications, and updating and maintenance of voter registration and to the State Board of Elections for voting machines, poll workers' training meetings, interpretations of the State election laws, and any new legislation that may affect elections.
Peter G. Barilla Sr., Chairman
Elizabeth Pegg, Clerk
Nicholas Oliver, Member
Help the City of East Providence clean up their voter list
Voters should contact the office if any of the following changes have occurred since May 2006:
- If you or a family member have married
- If you or a family member moved within the city
- If there has been a death in your family
- If a family member has moved out of the city
Voting from an address different than where you live is a violation of state election law. For more information, call the Canvassing office at (401) 435-7500 x11110
Canvassing Authority:
General Laws 1956 - Sec. 17-8-1 & 17-8-2
Members - 3 members (qualified electors) - bipartisan - not more than 2 of the same political party. Mayor shall nominate from lists of party voters (containing 5 times number to be appointed) submitted by chairmen of the political parties.
Term - SIX YEARS - beginning on first Monday of March succeeding date of appointment or until successor is elected and qualified.
Peter G. Barilla Sr. 5/1/18 03/2023
12 Miller Avenue (02916)
To fill the unexpired term of Thomas C. Riley
(Disqualified 3/29/18)
Elizabeth Pegg 3/6/2018 03/2024
74 Sweetbriar Avenue (02915)
Nicholas Oliver 5/1/18 03/2022
100 Hartford Avenue (02915)
To fill the unexpired term of Kimberly Bass
(Resigned 4/2/18)
Listing files in 'Canvassing Department Documents'
Additional Links
Contact Information

Leslie Shattuck-Moore
City Hall
First Floor
145 Taunton Avenue
East Providence, RI 02914
Phone: (401) 435-7500 x11110