Engineering Division
Solar Energy Project
Forbes Street Landfill

The Engineering Division consists of the City Engineer, Associate Engineer, four Engineering Aides and a Clerk Typist.
The Engineering Division is responsible for the design, permitting, and construction administration for municipal sanitary sewers, drainage systems, water mains, culverts, roads, and buildings. The Division also conducts inspections of all construction related work located within the City Right-of-Way. The Division is responsible for keeping sanitary sewer, water, drainage, street and assessor's maps updated. The Engineering Division is available to answer questions on drainage, sewer, and other land development issues, in addition to performing technical reviews for site plans and subdivision plans in support of other City Departments.
This Division is located on the 2nd floor of City Hall.
Unshoveled sidewalks
Attention residents and businesses
The Public Works Department would like to remind residents and business owners that it is your responsibility to clear the snow within the sidewalk area. City Ordinance 14-40 states “The owner, occupant or any person having the care of any building or lot of land bordering on any street, highway, square or public space within the city where there is a sidewalk supported by a curbstone shall, within the first four hours of daylight after the ceasing to fall of any snow, cause such snow to be removed. For every hour after the expiration of the specified four hours that the snow shall remain on such sidewalk, such owner, occupant or another person shall pay a fine. This section shall also apply to the falling of snow from any building. There is a similar Ordinance for ice removal 14-41.
To report unshoveled sidewalks please call the Engineering Office at 435-7703.
Improving your wastewater collection system
Stormwater Pollution Prevention
The stormwater and melted snow that runs off of the roadway in your neighborhood is eventually discharged to nearby water bodies. If certain contaminants come in contact with stormwater runoff from your neighborhood, these resource areas may become polluted. Your individual actions can help protect these areas.
What you can do to protect Water Resources
- Do not place anything in the storm drain. Only stormwater should enter the catch basins. (the grates and inlets you see on the streets)
- Eliminate or minimize fertilizer use.
- If you use fertilizer, choose slow-release types with little or no nitrogen.
- Avoid leaf litter. Collect leaves for composting or proper disposal.
- Direct your rooftop runoff over vegetation or into a dry well to promote infiltration.
- Do not allow pet waste to collect on streets/sidewalks or enter the storm drains.
- Pick up all pet waste and either compost, bury, or dispose with sanitary waste.
- Use a car wash or wash cars so runoff goes on to the lawn, not the street, and minimize soap.
- Do not clean driveways by hosing dirt into the street. Collect sweepings for disposal.
- Keep your neighborhood litter free
- Eliminate the use of pesticides.
- Limit the use of sand and salt on roadways and remove sand promptly when weather permits.
- Don’t feed ducks or geese.
Please call 435-7703, if you observe illegal dumping.
Additional Links
Water Cleaning & Lining Project Phase IV Map
Contact Information

Erik Skadberg, City Engineer
Phone: (401) 435-7500 x11137
Fax: (401) 435-7717
Engineering Office
Phone: 401-435-7500 x11130